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Oswego, NY

Oswego, NY

Allieway was tasked with providing a new brand identity and sup porting marketing materials to Oswego, NY. As part of their effort to improve tourism, the goal for the project was to create new sub-logos, messaging, and brochures to support and drive traffic to the five key areas of recreation and commerce in Oswego. Allieway conducted stakeholder interviews and worked closely with the City, the County and the tourism bureau to gain a full picture of what made the five key areas of Oswego unique and stand out from their neighboring towns. The result was five fresh, authentic logos for the areas we identified as distinctively special during our research. Using this new branding, we also created corresponding brochures that highlighted different aspect s of these areas that appeal to different target audiences.

This was BOA (Brownfield Opportunity Area) project and all marketing items aid in the revitalization and redevelopment of the area. 


  • Strategic Messaging
  • Copywriting & Editing
  • Graphic Design & Production
  • Brand Development
  • Logos
  • Collateral
  • Community Outreach Interviews