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City of Rome, NY BOA (Brownfield Opportunity Area)

View Allieway’s work completed for City of Rome »


The Project

The City of Rome, NY tapped Allieway’s skills to assist them in reshaping the economic and residential reputation of their city. After receiving a state grant to revitalize their downtown corridor, the City faced the challenge of also revitalizing the way that local and regional businesses viewed economic opportunities in Rome.




The Result

After meetings and interviews with key stakeholders, Allieway wrote and designed a series of brochures and sell sheets that highlighted the unique benefits to entice businesses to relocate or open in Rome.

This included:

  • Special tax benefits supported by the grant
  • Funding from economic development corporations
  • Site sell sheets that detail the spaces that are primed for development or redevelopment

Supporting the updated marketing approach to driving economic revitalization, we provided the City with a detailed marketing plan. The plan was broken down by objectives and tasks and included everything from special window stickers identifying businesses that are part of the revitalization effort, to a social media strategy broken down by individual platforms.